Distressing Options

Distressing Options on Stained Finishes

Sand Thru

The stain to raw wood and then apply the finish coat.

Ease Edge

Lightly sand the edges and corners prior to staining and top coating.

Dimensional Distress

Lightly sand the edges and corners prior to staining and top coating.

Sanding & Cracks

Heavy Sanding of edges and corners before staining and top coating. Cracks simulate wood splits and are also done to the raw wood.

Gouges and Awl Holes

Gouging edges and jabbing with an Awl prior to staining and top coating

Distressing Options on Painted Finishes

French Cutting

French cut by scraping painted edge to expose wood beneath prior to finish top coat.

Fly Specking and Striping

Fly speck by splattering contrasting paint on painted surface. Striping in white or brown in door bead, panel joints & raises.

Cracks & Awl Holes

Typical combination of Cracks & Awl Holes and how they appear.

Sanding and Gouges with French Cutting

Typical combinations of Sanding, Gouges and French Cutting.

Eased Edges with French Cutting

Typical combination of Eased Edges with French Cutting.

Sanding with French Cutting

Typical combination of Sanding with French Cutting.

Brush Streaking

Example of typical Brush Streaking.


Example of typical Glazing.

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